Our 100th anniversary was in 2018, here’s some highlights of the special events
100 Year Celebration Video
Check out this video of our thoughts and memories of South Curly and what it means to members past and present. Add your comments to the YouTube posting.
100 Year Book
The 100 Year Book containing wonderful stories from the people and events that make up our proud history, can be purchased from the club. Simply make your payment ($40) via the payment link – select ‘Merchandise’ and insert ‘100 Year Book <Your Name>’ in the description, make sure you fill in your contact details and then wait for us to email you the collection details. If you’d like the book to be mailed to you, please contact mail@southcurlcurlslsc.org before paying so that we can advise mailing costs.
100 Year Anniversary Ball
The first event of our centenary celebrations took place on 1st September – a swish ball at the International College of Management, Manly aka St Pats.

The Anniversary Ball was at Manly International College of Management (1st September 2018).