Sunday Club Surf Race and other Curly competitions
Most Sundays South Curly runs a club swim which is handicapped to allow everyone to have a fighting chance of taking first-to-the-line honours. Our Handicapper, Kevin Mullen is down on the beach from about 10am to organise the race with his usual phlegmatic style, collecting names and rounding everyone up! The club swim is open to anyone with an award for their age (SRC, Bronze etc) and consists of a short run to the water’s edge, swim out to the cans and back – c.500m in total (depending on high/low tide and how much alcohol was consumed the night before by those placing the cans!).
Kevin keeps tabs on the result from each race and will provide periodic updates to handicaps based on past results. All the results are totted up at the end of the season and the ultimate winner earns themselves a prestigious award at the annual club presentation event.
For those yet to take part….now’s the time to start! Keep your eyes peeled for this and other Club competition details in the Club Calendar and check back here for the race schedule.
As a safety precaution, please note that you must now wear a pink competition vest when competing– no exceptions! These can be purchased from the club on most Sunday mornings at a cost of $15, but don’t leave it too late to get the right size.
For those more adventurous, there is often also a walk to the far end of the beach and a swim back again. This occurs after the other events have been completed.